Practical Applications of Project Management and Lean Six Sigma in Personal Patient Care Advocacy
Speaker: Kim M. Gromko, PMP, LSSGB, LSSBB Trained
Back in 1997 Kim lost her oldest daughter at the tender age of 7 years old. She died from SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death from Epilepsy) post tonsils and adenoid surgery. Fast forward to 2014, when her youngest daughter started having grand mals seizures non stop and the doctors were trying multiple medications to no avail. Being trained in both project management and lean six sigma, Kim created a project to manage care related to her daughter Ellie's seizures. Her research and advocacy using these principles led to a marked reduction in Ellie's seizures and a way forward in managing her daughter's health care.
Join us to learn how she created her project plan, gathered her data, used statistical analysis on that data, and collaborated with physicians. Learn how she used practical applications of project management and Lean Six Sigma to change her daughter's life!!
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